Motorola EME Awareness For Antenna Site Safety DVD ENGLISH

Originally produced for Motorola in association with Richard Tell Associates, Inc., this video is now available for distribution outside Motorola for cost effective promotion of EME awareness among workers, supervisors and building management personnel associated with wireless antenna sites. This 20 minute video focuses on the basics of what is necessary to know about radio frequency (RF) fields to minimize exposure to strong fields that may be found near communications antennas. In this regard, the video can be used as a component of company RF safety programs to help comply with the recent RF exposure rules adopted by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

Practical guidelines for staying safe when working at antenna sites are covered in a simple and straightforward way so that individuals previously uninformed about the important issues related to EME can understand key concepts.

Information related to measurement and analysis of RF fields is presented so that the viewer can become familiar with those methods used for evaluating antenna sites for compliance with the applicable rules for human exposure.

The video includes an introduction to the underlying concerns with RF energy absorption within the body in an easy to understand way, giving viewers a practical appreciation for why the FCC rules exist and the importance of abiding by the rules.

The issue of proper signage at antenna sites is also covered, making the video an excellent vehicle for introducing building management personnel to the new requirements regarding the posting of alerting signs, for example, at building roof-top sites.

Because of the initial support by Motorola during production, you can now take advantage of this important safety related video at a bargain price. Quantity discounts are available for wide distribution in your company to multiple markets and regions.


Available in both English and Spanish.
Made in the USA


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Price: $100.00


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March 1, 2018


Richard Tell Associates relocated to Madison, AL, in March of 2018. RTA can be reached via our new number at 256-434-1273.

September 21, 2015

RoofView® 5 is here!

The software standard of the wireless industry for estimating RF compliance has been made even better. Richard Tell Associates, Inc. announces the release of a major upgrade to RoofView®, version 5 under development for the past three years. Click here to learn more!

What We Do

Richard Tell Associates, Inc. can provide you with:

  • Field studies for assessing RF exposure
  • RF exposure compliance investigations for FCC rules and IEEE standards
  • Theoretical analysis of RF fields from antennas and other RF sources
  • Specialized RF safety measurement problems
  • Development of RF safety programs customized for your company or organization